Long weekend still in progress

Today is happening over at Hong Kong Free Press (1-year-old) and in the forgotten and neglected Shenzhen suburb/enclave of Yantian…


One of our aircraft carriers is missing. Last year, this was the entrance to the Minsk


The ghost business park of One City is still lying vacant, deserted and unloved (there must be a story here – the adjacent commercial areas are buzzing in their modest way)…


A department store of contrasts: the dazzling glare of the jewellery counter seen from the gloom of the rice section.

A department store of contrasts: the dazzling glare of the jewellery counter seen from the gloom of the rice section.

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2 Responses to Long weekend still in progress

  1. Enid Ronay says:

    Glad you are out of the Soho Triangle a while again.

    The food…As they used to say in the office…” Give me some of that stir-fry, I could do with a week off.”

  2. Property Developer says:

    Don’t knock Yan-tian. For a start, it occupies — apparently — part of Hong Kong, as the reclamation reaches far and wide. Furthermore, the increasing numbers of high rises in Sha Tau Jiao have a wonderful view of pristine mountains and the, admittedly narrowing, sea.

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