Late-night Wild Carnage Freak-out Committee swings into action

The ‘Night Vibes’ rejuvenation extravaganza initiative-cum-scheme is launched to modest and perhaps rushed fanfare. The video clip shows a small stage occupied by rather unenthusiastic (let’s say insufficiently rehearsed) nocturnal skateboarding dancers. Attended by Financial Secretary Paul Chan, Allen Zeman, etc, etc. A standard box-ticking HK Civil Service event launch – just like the ‘Hello Hong Kong’ one, but in the dark.

Stay out late to enjoy some lame discounts from abstemious mall owners and extended opening hours at… government museums.

Perhaps it’s supposed to boost tourism, but the sudden obsession with the nightlife economy looks more targeted at local consumers, who simply don’t go out as much as they used to.The Covid era – working from home and semi-shuttering of bars and restaurants – changed people’s evening schedules and killed off many outlets. The prolonged travel restrictions ended all tourism and pushed many higher-earning residents to emigrate. Many, especially younger, Hong Kong people will go to Shenzhen for a night out because it’ll cost maybe a third what they would pay in Hong Kong. 

As numerous critics point out, officials trying to launch ‘night bazaars’ are trying to create synthetic versions of the very activities and buzz they have deliberately eradicated over the years – whether it’s through disapproval of fishball vendors and other street food, the phobia about outdoor dining, bans on ‘unauthorized gatherings’, or the dismantling of neon signs.

Doing my bit – Chiuchow dinner last night…

NGO Liber Research Community finds dozens of possibly illegal structures/garden extensions at luxury developments like Redhill Peninsula. 

Interesting aerial photos. (Some might think that if you had a house with a backyard that adjoins a patch of unused and otherwise inaccessible scrubland, wouldn’t you ‘borrow’ some of it too? Preferably not on a crumbling clifftop.)

It’s also interesting that the NGO is still operating despite the NatSec system, and even gets interviewed by government-run RTHK. A few months back, it was criticized for ‘smearing’ government housing and infrastructure projects, but maybe the government is happier about going after wealthy old-style establishment types’ illegal structures. These people’s friends do not run Hong Kong anymore.

Some (allegedly) interesting reading for the weekend…

China Media Project on China’s recent proposed law against ‘clothing that hurts the feelings’, which has run into criticism domestically…

What does it mean to hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation? Many Chinese are asking exactly that question. Opened to public comment for 30 days, the draft amendment … has drawn a torrent of criticism. Public intellectuals, influencers, and ordinary netizens have lined up across social media to lay broadsides into the new language.

“Who decides what the spirit and feelings of the Chinese nation are?” asked Tong Zhiwei, a law professor in Shanghai.

Also includes a useful discussion on a shift from ‘hurt feelings of the Chinese people’ to ‘…Chinese nation’.

From a year ago, but suddenly relevant after the news about a Chinese ‘spy’ in Parliament, a paper by the Council on Geostrategy on United Front activities in the UK…

…Hong Kong-British and their families that have recently moved to the UK via the generous British National (Overseas) visa scheme are among the prime targets of CCP interference and narrative warfare. Consequently, [government should] ensure Hong Kong-British and their families are integrated into local communities and that younger generations of Hong Kong-British growing up in the UK do not fall prey to the CCP’s discourses – such as the absurd United Front ‘anti-Asian racism’ narrative prevalent in the UK.

For followers of Taiwan’s election – Frozen Garlic on the three-way race in which all candidates would struggle to step into Tsai Ing-wen’s shoes and none can get a majority of the vote. (Watch Beijing send a ‘warning’ that drives voters to the DPP.)

An academic paper on how China sees the world – through visual portrayals of noses. This is packed full of weirdness, including Tang Dynasty figurines of barbarians, comparisons with Nazi portrayals of noses, and ‘de-orientalizing’ plastic surgery for Korean War casualties. A relatively normal extract…

Through the high-bridged nose/big nose distinction, we can see the PRC’s hierarchy of good and evil Euro-Americans. This was confirmed after the onset of the Sino-Soviet split in 1960, when Chinese propaganda posters drew Russians with ugly big noses, rather than handsome high-bridged noses.67 Importantly, Chinese posters used evil images of the Other to construct the proper communist Chinese self. Although ideologically Maoism was radically egalitarian, these images show how the CCP was ‘engineering emotions’ to construct a new social hierarchy in foreign affairs. As the images show, the posters first work to include Russians and exclude Americans, and then later work to also exclude Russians after the Sino-Soviet split. The reassertion of close ties between the PRC and Russia over the past decade has seen the reappearance of Chinese images of beautifully high-bridged nosed Russians and ugly big-nosed Americans. This is important, because such images are more than propaganda for the masses: as Campbell argues for the role of self/Other relations in US foreign policy-making, such images shape the realm of possibility for Chinese policy-makers as well.

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12 Responses to Late-night Wild Carnage Freak-out Committee swings into action

  1. noseyparker says:

    rather annoyed at the research paper on “big ugly noses” that the person does not understand the proper order of adjectives in descriptions. It should always be “big ugly noses,” but perhaps they stayed away from that description because it sounded too ghetto.

  2. noseyparker says:

    i amend my previous comment to say I am annoyed that they write it as “ugly big noses”

    even my subconscious took over and corrected it

  3. Chinese Netizen says:

    Soooo…no night consumption vouchers?

    Asking for a friend.

  4. Knownot says:

    suggested by justsayin

    – – – – – – – – – –

    Old Friends

    Old friends, old friends
    Sitting so loyal on their backends
    New China Daily dropped through the door
    Held in the soiled hands
    Of the loyal men, of the old friends

    Old men, old fellow-travellers, old men
    Lost in their chains, waiting to be free
    The voice of the leader sifts through the screens
    Settles like dust in the ears of the old friends

    Can you remember us years from today
    Joining the party hopefully
    How terribly strange to be 20

    Old friends, hearing the whisper of China despair
    Secretly glad not to be living there

    – – – – – – – – – –

    after “Old Friends” recorded by Simon and Garfunkel

  5. Wolflikeme says:

    The shorter posts are more impactful. Edit, edit, and edit again.

  6. justsayin says:

    humanity triumphs again. ChatGPT will never produce such poetry

  7. Editor-at-Large says:


    Your post says “The shorter posts are more impactful. Edit, edit, and edit again.”

    Why not, then…
    “Shorter posts have more impact. Edits are vital.”

    Voila, reduced from eleven words to eight (25% less)

  8. Cautious cynic says:

    I have just finished reading “The Mandela Brief: Sydney Kentridge and the trials of apartheid” by Thomas Grant, apparently an English QC. Publisher John Murray. Deals almost entirely with Sydney Kentridge’s involvement in and representation of (individual, none government) parties in apartheid related cases in 1950’s to 1970’s South Africa.

    Interesting in its own right and to many lawyers, certainly those who have tried to be advocates.

    But particualarly so if you regard it from a Hong Kong perspective and the lessons and warnings it offers.

    Happily the HK police are at least not presently as politically culpable as those involved in Steve Biko’s case, although in previous years prisoners have died in custody in Hong Kong.

    The coments made about the South African judiciary apply equally to the Hong Kong judiciary. Note the change over time. Plus NSL judges have one year terms.

    Sadly , the only eminent advocate Hong Kong possesses seems to appear for the government, although whether this is due to the size of his briefs or his views is unknown to me; I cannot ask his sister.

  9. Stanley Lieber says:



  10. odaiwai says:

    From here:
    “…adjectives in English absolutely have to be in this order: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose Noun. So you can have a lovely little old rectangular green French whittling knife. But if you mess with that word order in the slightest you’ll sound like a maniac.”

    (And also from the original source: “The Elements of Eloquence” by Mark Forsyth.)

  11. True Patriot says:

    Since John Lee and Co. are wooing Middle Eastern countries how about Camel Races at Happy Valley. I am sure this would even draw local crowds!

    And a long distance international version on the Macao-Zuhai bridge would underline Hong Kong’s standing as an international sports hub.

  12. Wolflikeme says:

    Love how the journos (now unemployed) jump!

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