You mean this quarantine thing applies to us as well?

Hong Kong’s government has lost so much credibility by now that the public automatically perceives any announcement as garbage. Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s decision to impose quarantine on everyone coming in from the Mainland has predictably met with derision (and apparently triggered a run on toilet paper – though that might just be inspired by the general ongoing ambient official incompetence).

Chances are that the threat of quarantine will dissuade a lot of people from crossing the border. It could certainly make life very difficult for anyone who has to make the trip.

Spare a thought for retired low-income Hongkongers living in Shenzhen who need to pick up medicines here our Beijing-groveling tycoons who are members of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. They were already dreading the prospect of having to spend two weeks in the nation’s capital attending the ‘two meetings’, which start on March 3.

In the old days, they could get away with goofing off and having long lunches, massages and naps in their hotels while the rubber-stamp bore-fests took place. Some would even sneak back to Hong Kong for a few days to attend to their family-owned rent-seeking cartelized conglomerates’ business. That all changed when Xi Jinping took over and demanded that even billionaires must display patriotism by showing up for mind-numbing lectures and briefings on Party-State ideology.

Now, if the ‘lianghui’ go ahead, the plutocrats’ two-week ordeal in Beijing will be followed by 14 days’ confinement back here, sitting in isolation behind nailed-up doors, wearing a GPS bracelet – while their devious siblings and mentally challenged heirs wreak corporate mayhem in the boardroom. As if they are not suffering enough from plummeting rents.

Having received a premonition, meanwhile, the Mormons have already fled.   

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17 Responses to You mean this quarantine thing applies to us as well?

  1. PaperCuts says:

    What do they mean “toilet paper flies off the shelves”??

    Toilet paper ALWAYS flies off the shelves here.

    People can’t get enough of it

  2. Spike says:

    If Carrie Lam had a spine or an ounce of leadership ability or a personality, she might have taken quicker and more decisive actions. The result of the delay is that the world is closing its doors to Hong Kong as well as mainland China. The economic impact to airlines, hotels, f&b and other businesses (and, more importantly, the people who work for them) would have been much less. Instead flights are cut off, people are stranded, panic buying at supermarkets, “three weeks of unpaid leave,” “human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”

  3. @PaperCuts – one story going around is that Carrie Lam has finally discovered where to buy it and is making up for lost time.

  4. pie-chucker says:

    Here’s an exciting, career boosting opportunity in these dire days:

    Assistant Manager, Belt and Road & External Relations

    • Working with TDC branch offices around the work in organising roadshows and outward business missions, roadshows and receiving incoming missions.
    • Excellent command of written and spoken English and Chinese. Fluent in Putonghua. Knowledge of a third language an advantage.

    No doubt preference will be given to applicants with proofreading abilities and an ability to count.

    (From LinkedIn jobs)

  5. PaperCuts says:

    All Carrie Lam has to do now is choose the form of our destrcutor

  6. John says:

    All this over a virus that is slightly more serious than the common flu.

  7. Cross says:

    Just imagine the amount of teargas thrown at the Marshmallow Man.

  8. Stephen says:

    “… toilet paper flies off the shelves.” Don’t be overly concerned as The Pro China Morning Post is still being printed.

  9. Red Dragon says:

    The Mormons are buggering off, eh?

    Who says that Wuflu doesn’t have its up-side?

  10. old git says:

    The English grammar double-negative lives on in Hong Kong…..

    “The Colonial Office has no objection to the proposed Regulation by The Governor, but that should not be taken as approval of that Regulation.”

    “The Chief Executive’s Office today said the Government has not requested colleagues not to wear surgical masks.”

  11. Tamey Tame says:

    The Mormons have fled? Whatever happened to Odell anyway?

  12. Jan says:

    More mask, more mask, more everything, MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

  13. Hong Kong Hibernian says:

    Rip o’ the Day goes to one ‘Joey Chan’, a student who is waiting to sit exams soon. RTHK quotes Joey as describing the HK (Puppet) Gov’t approach to the exams issue as “quite retarded”.

    found here:

    Full marks to Joey!

  14. Stanley Lieber says:

    @Tamey Tame

    Thanks for the reminiscence.

    Good ol’ Odell. Gone but not forgotten.

  15. caractacus says:

    One must take issue with the erroneous assumption that “the plutocrats’ two-week ordeal in Beijing will be followed by 14 days’ confinement back here”. Do not forget that in Carrie’s fiefdom there is a law for the plebs and another (or none) for the CCP’s holy annointed.

  16. Twocisterns says:

    DoH: Contact Port Health/ Call 21251122 if you visited Hubei in last 14 days. Others from Mainland must stay home 14 days, wear mask when out. (DO NOT REPLY)
    M4ust stay home but wear a mask when out?
    No wonder they don’t want a reply…

  17. Joe Blow says:

    It has been established that WuFlu now has its own original source in Hong Kong and it’s spreading like Christine Loh’s legs. Thank you, Carrie Lam, for not closing the borders. What would we do without you? Now that we are all going to die anyway, I would like to thank Bonnae Gokson for providing us with a classy high tea venue for so many years. Also, Harvey Weinstein. And my grandmother, who always believed in me. And, finally, ……. urghhhhaaallaa……… *plop*

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