The ‘Fred and Frank’ Show

A South China Morning Post column attacks the ‘cult of expertise’ behind the MTR’s scandals and related cover-ups and responsibility-ducking. The word ‘expertise’ is of course ironic.

MTR Chairman Fred Ma and Transport and Housing Secretary Frank Chan are in their positions precisely because they will not have new ideas or do anything else that might make trouble. They are there because Beijing makes sure people with flair or who ask questions do not enter Hong Kong’s ‘elite’ inner circle of establishment blandness.

The author points out that pro-Beijing lawmakers must share the blame after vetoing a high-powered Legislative Council enquiry. The phrase ‘pro-Beijing’ is all you need to know – the Legislative Council is being transformed into a rubber-stamp body as part of Hong Kong’s Mainlandization. It’s not supposed to hold public officials to account.

We could add here the role of a free press in exposing the paucity of talent beneath the smug arrogance of officialdom, and bringing the MTR problems to light. Also, of course, on the Communist Party’s ‘to do’ list.


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2 Responses to The ‘Fred and Frank’ Show

  1. Chinese Netizen says:

    “Watching the sun set, little by little, on Asia’s greatest city”

    Never before have these words been truer. So far.

  2. Gibber says:

    The SCMP story ends “No group, party or corporation is too big to fail.“

    Party! Fail!

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