Hong Kong had been expecting Chief Executive CY Leung to fade from the scene reasonably quietly. And sure enough, his final few weeks in office looked set to fizzle away. To pass the time, opposition lawmakers have launched a predictable-and-futile, last-minute attempt to impeach the man, who responds by maintaining with a stony face that his housing policy was a success ‘with a four-year lag’ – and lapsing back into robotic ‘Belt and Road’ slogans for kids.
But no. The action continues to the very end, as CY sends jack-booted municipal thugs to chain-saw adorable, cute, fluffy egret chicks into little bloody pieces. After several years during which intimidation and purging of localists and other dissidents has become increasingly disturbing, it seems an extreme but logical next step.
But apologists for the government claim that the fowl were merely collateral damage in the administration’s unceasing battle against the Dreaded Tree Menace. It is unfortunate, but the birds were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
CY still has three weeks to go. The squirrels in my local park this morning looked even more alarmed than usual.
CY will be the subject of my third book about endemic corruption in Hong Kong.
Having seen Carrie describe under oath that silly undergrown schoolboy Donald Tsang as a role model, and seeing the company she keeps, I think she will be the subject of number four book in the series.
It’s nice being relevant. You ought to try it!
Election today. Tories are so afraid. Rightly so.
Pip, pip!
CY will be the subject of my third book about endemic corruption in Hong Kong.
Having seen Carrie describe under oath that silly undergrown schoolboy Donald Tsang as a role model, and seeing the company she keeps, I think she will be the subject of number four book in the series.
It’s nice being relevant. You ought to try it!
Election today. Tories are so afraid. Rightly so.
Pip, pip!
Adams posts the same shit twice, passing himself off as both Dave and Deirdre.
What a twat.
Good of him to alert the public that he has another “book” in the pipeline, though.
Another heap of self-published shite for the remainder bins.
Poor chicks,
Your killers come with knives and sticks.
You shake before
CY’s dread militia corps.
With beaks and claws
Your mothers try to make them pause.
Each feathered friend,
I fear, alas, your life will end.
And as you fall
The cowards do not care at all.
They laugh and crack,
“Never mind, we’ll put you back!”
So they defeat you.
And then, in scorn, disdain to eat you.
Did you all read the story in the Alibaba Morning Post about the terminal decline of LKF. Apparently even Al Semen’s edifice is “struggling”.
What can I say that I didn’t say before: boycott Lan Kwai Fong, and let’s put it out of its misery.