Filial piety tour concludes

Clan nuptial and other gatherings aside, a two-week trip confirms that despite reports of their demise or implosion, the US and the UK remain world leaders in their variety of endearing or simply hellish weirdness. From the Dante-esque threat of traffic and weather every 10 minutes…

…to impala meat and other ‘new crazes’…

And then I return to this.

Quote of the journey, from a 10-year-old relative: “What does ‘self-explanatory’ mean?”


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8 Responses to Filial piety tour concludes

  1. Sojourner says:

    Bollywood meets martial arts (my two least favourite genres combined) and fronted by that execrable CCP-apologist, Jacky Chan. How, I hope the film flops in India.

    Not even worth downloading illegally via Pirate Bay.

  2. Chinese Netizen says:

    Cankle…such a uniquely developed western nation beauty trend I’m sure Orientals will be yearning for soon.

    Maybe the Han Kook doctors in Seoul are already developing special lipid injections for the ankle area and we’ll have a new craze in Mid Levels for you to see.

  3. Joe Blow says:

    Is that a picture of your cousin marrying your other cousin ? 28 days of 689 to go…

  4. Nice to see even or especially the back end of your new girlfriend. She even carries some of her own lunch!

    Disaster after disaster for Britain during your sojourn. The Tories are sunk and even you cannot save them. Bring your karma back to Hong Kong. We need you to sink so much.

  5. Jason90 says:

    Kung Fu Yoga: A Chinese-Indian Soft Power (B)Romance
    “Hindi-Chini-Bhai-Bhai” – Indians & Chinese (really) are brothers!
    Maybe we’ve seen this movie before?
    Friendly Chinese and Indians meet in the Himalayas.
    In the 1950s maybe.
    How did it end?
    Oh, I remember – in 1962 – along the McMahon Line – with “Bharat-Chin-Yuddh” or “Zhōng-Yìn Biānjìng Zhànzhēng”?

  6. Laguna Lurker says:

    Welcome home, Hemlock. I’ve missed your blog.

    Things are hotting up here in Laguna.

  7. Regina's O Face says:

    Welcome back. Half expected you to send this post from a new Perpetual Opulence Mansions in Taipei.

  8. PCC says:

    Welcome back! You were missed.

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