The CCP’s warm-and-fuzzy problem

The Chinese Communist Party’s inability to be even vaguely pleasant is one of life’s great mysteries, at least to some of us. The South China Morning Post’s political editor certainly finds it a puzzle. Why, he asks today, has Beijing blown its recent chance – after ditching unpopular Chief Executive CY Leung – to behave in a decent, constructive, friendly way towards Hong Kong’s alienated younger and educated population?

Instead, the one-party state is forcefully and blatantly using the fake-election process to install the dismally unimpressive but obedient Carrie Lam in Leung’s place. China’s officials are so obsessive and blundering about putting her in office that they are depriving her of any credibility she might otherwise have. They are willfully setting her up to fail as yet another unpopular stooge.

It seems illogical and perverse. The Dalai Lama says that China’s leaders do not use the human brain properly, which is probably part of the problem. Specifically, the Chinese Communist Party cannot handle, let alone accept, anything that it cannot absolutely control.

The ‘two meetings’ in Beijing provide China’s officials with another opportunity to whine and rant about Hong Kong people, demanding that they ‘focus on the economy’, which is longstanding code for ‘shut up about bad governance’. Elsewhere in the empire, the masses are happy. Any complaints or unrest are instantly rendered invisible by censorship, secret police or other means – the resulting silence and harmony confirming that the Communist Party is perfect and never makes mistakes. The constant criticism and protests coming out of Hong Kong are an intolerable affront.

There is only one response. The Communists seem to be assuming that Carrie will go along with CY Leung’s psychopathic, United Front, mouth-frothing, berserk, crush-the-opposition stuff – but with a softer, feminine touch, so we don’t notice or mind.

The Chinese Communist Party cannot handle a pluralistic society. Carrie is presumably supposed to put a gentle face on the regime’s struggle against ‘opposition’ and discontent. In other words, she is supposed to put a gentle face on the ongoing witch-hunt against elected pro-democracy lawmakers, of whom nine now face various legal actions. She must put a gentle face on the farcical situation whereby Triad-connected sleazebags shoe-shine the Communist Party by trying to donate money to cops convicted of criminal offenses. She is supposed to sugar-coat the co-opted property cartel, the fawning media, and all the rest of this steaming pile of doo-doo – when the lady’s core competence is setting up committees.

And it’s just another four months to go before we have the 20th Anniversary of Being Governed by Malevolent Ghouls Who Hate This City, complete with Xi ‘Mr Empathy’ Jinping and his touchy-feely military parade. Fun for all.

It has been drawn to my attention that the Wikipedia page for ‘Hong Kong Chief Executive’ features (as of 10am Mar 7 2017) some sort of mistake

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11 Responses to The CCP’s warm-and-fuzzy problem

  1. Penus Wong says:

    Don’t be too sure that the little woman is going to be the next CEO. Very interesting piece in Epoch Times yesterday.

  2. LRE says:

    Poor old Zhang Dejiang hasn’t really twigged yet, bless him. In order to focus on the economy, Hong Kong needs to get rid of its unelected unacccountable government which openly colludes with and profits from (both in revenue and in bribes) both mainland money laundering schemes and local monopolies/cartels which squash any competition or innovation.

    So it’s a bit of a non starter as a distraction or a policy, as the communist party has made a huge and obvious cock up of both Hong Kong’s politics and economy.

    So neither aspect serves to mollify people’s calls for government accountability, and the kleptocrats in Hong Kong and Beijing are unwilling to change anything in either area, because they know they’re unelectable and they don’t want to lose the benefits (flats banquets scholarships for the kids etc) so no progress will be made in either, which again looks bad for the CPC.

  3. Big Al says:

    Interestingly, Wikipedia also describes the “former” CE as a “Lame Duck” and then goes on to list all of his major failures – surprisingly cramming these into just a few lines. Good stuff. See it while it’s still there …

  4. daaitoulaam says:

    My favourite quip from the 2 Meetings so far is from Wang Mengshu, a leading railway construction engineer on PRC Customs in Kowloon Station. “We should not be too accommodating to the concerns of Hong Kong. The railway should just pass through without border checks.” “One country, two systems is only transitional.” “Hong Kong is a province of China”

  5. Stephen says:


    Link to the Epoch Times ?

    Noticed Bunny was at the 2 meetings and he looked resplendent in a dark Mao suit. He may have noticed the top cadres are rarely seen wearing their Number One’s these days. Perhaps he hasn’t! You have to wonder what the braying sycophants Maria, Rita, Elsie et al said to CCP in response to the brilliant idea of the PLA goose stepping their way down Chater Road to “celebrate” the 20 anniversary of the handover ? You’ve probably lost the best and brightest of the next generation now make sure they feck off in time for the 21st anniversary.

  6. reductio says:


    All part of the game. Say something to scare the natives and then when you lower the temperature by “only” stationing mainland Chinese immigration officers on HK soil, people will welcome the moderate nature of the outcome compared to what could have been. I think that’s the idea. Or maybe he’s just a twat.

  7. dimuendo says:


    The below may be the article in the Epoch Times to which Mr P Wong refers

    Do not know why it will not come up as a link but if you copy and paste it should work.

  8. LRE says:

    “Moral and national education controversy; Hong Kong Television Network controversy; 2014–15 electoral reform; Umbrella Revolution; receipt of UGL’s $50 million allegation; drinking water contamination; HKU pro-vice-chancellor selection controversy; 2016 Mong Kok civil unrest; Causeway Bay Books disappearances; ICAC heads’ resignation controversy; Wang Chau development scheme controversy; LegCo oath-taking controversy; Palace Museum controversy.”
    A wonderfully concise catalogue of cock-up. For posterity!

  9. Penus Wong says:

    yep, this is the one:

    If you can’t read it here, go to, click English at the top, and find the article “Hong Kong’s Chief Executive in the Hot Seat”. It’s got a sad picture of 689 on top.

  10. Penus Wong says:

    You can also read it in Bulgarian.

  11. Late to the Party says:

    @Penus Wong

    doesn’t seem to be available across the border which leads me to suspect, when HK finally joins the glorious motherland, half the internet will simply cease to exist.

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