Huge turnout for cops’ Tiananmen vigil

It was impossible for anyone in Hong Kong to forget that yesterday was the anniversary of the 1989 Beijing massacre: thousands of cops plus their ‘Sabretooth’ armoured vehicle were on the streets to provide a high-profile reminder. They kept an eye on activists, artists, strolling diplomats, bystanders with knowing looks holding little cups of soft-serve ice cream, and confused tourists intercepted by law enforcement for accidentally switching on their phone flashlight. 

A full report on the weirdness with great pix at HKFP. Some more from the Standard.

This could be a new annual event!

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11 Responses to Huge turnout for cops’ Tiananmen vigil

  1. Chinese Netizen says:

    It should most definitely be an annual event. Highlighting the insecurity and paranoia of the HKCCPSARG for all to see and mock.

    How long before soft serve looking like a mini torch is banned on the date that never happened? Or just the outright banning of anyone being outside on that date? Yet another bank holiday.

  2. Chinese Netizen says:

    …and yeah, a “patriotic carnival” on THAT date doesn’t draw attention one bit to the entire government exercise of scrubbing history.

    Pathetic twats.

  3. MeKnowNothing says:

    “This could be a new annual event!”

    You left out a word there, mate… insert “mega” in between “annual” & “event”.

  4. Reactor #4 says:

    For well known reasons, the tower block I live in has no Floor #4, #14, #24, #34, #44 and #54. Building upon this, maybe HK’s calendar could be formally retooled to run June 2, June 3A, June 3B, June 5 etc?

  5. True Patriot says:

    To the NSD: These are constructive questions:

    Can I commemorate the Victory of the PLA at the battle of Tian A Men ?

    Am I allowed to buy a birthday cake for Angelina Jolie? With candles??

  6. MC says:

    Excellent work all round. Special mention to the “elderly man displaying posters relating to democracy movements” whose expression I’m going to describe as beatific contempt.

    Crowds a bit sparse at the patriotic carnival….

  7. Mary Melville says:

    Will the Mr. Whippy vans be encouraged, wink. wink, to take the day off?
    Called in for impromptu vehicle inspection?

  8. Reader says:

    Congratulations Reactor #4 for a post that was topical, irreverent and – dare I say it – a dash humorous. Keep up this improvement and you’ll soon be highlighting the inadequacies of our unelected masters and calling for accountable government.

  9. Joe Blow says:

    Mary, they are called “Mr Softy”, and for a reason.

  10. Young Winston says:

    They are called Mobile Softee.

  11. Chinese Netizen says:

    @Reader: A small window of sober lucidity. Few and far between and surely a more than equal and opposite reaction to follow.

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