Basically – keep away from June 4

Chow Hang-tung – already in jail – and five others, including her mother, become the first people to be arrested under the Article 23 NatSec Law passed in March…

…police said five men and one woman had been detained on suspicion of acting with seditious intention. One of them, a woman already in custody, was alleged to have continuously published anonymous “seditious” posts on a social media page with the help of the other five.

The posts were said to have made use of an “upcoming sensitive date” to incite hatred against the central and Hong Kong governments, as well as the Judiciary. Police also alleged that the posts intended to incite netizens to organise or participate in illegal activities at a later time.

Standard report here. Extracts from the Facebook page in question here, including a request ‘not to play along with the game of rewriting history’.

A quick Google search shows the story has been picked up by Radio Free Asia, the BBC, Reuters, Amnesty International. ABC, and the Guardian.

Looks like the South Lantau Eco-Recreation Hub-Zone ‘proposal’ from yesterday is a done deal, The Civil Engineering and Development Dept has published a paper for LegCo in which the phrase ‘awareness of conservation’ appears three times. A public engagement exercise has started…

…to seek views on the recommendations from the relevant stakeholders, including the Islands District Council and the South Lantao Rural Committee. We will set up street booths at the Tung Chung Bus Terminus and various locations in South Lantau to collect feedback from residents and visitors of South Lantau.

All you non-relevant stakeholders can, um, take a hike.

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8 Responses to Basically – keep away from June 4

  1. Young Winston says:

    Are that many people really going to visit South Lantau from overseas for this all to break even? I mean it’s not exactly Ha Long Bay, is it?

  2. Chinese Netizen says:

    “The posts were said to have made use of an “upcoming sensitive date” to incite hatred against the central and Hong Kong governments, as well as the Judiciary. Police also alleged that the posts intended to incite netizens to organise or participate in illegal activities at a later time.”

    I really need to get one of those crystal balls that the police have. I’d make a killing in the (foreign influenced) stock markets for sure!

  3. Reactor #4 says:

    Addressing yesterday’s topic, which has a bit of overlap with today’s, is it possible that the garbage-bag-recycling plan was dropped because it would critically reduce the volume of trash being shipped over to the under-construction waste incinerator at Shek Kwu Chau? Greater Lantau is famed for its White Elephants (Disneyland, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the airport’s third runway). A fourth would not be a good look.

  4. Low Profile says:

    I guess the date so sensitive the authorities can’t even bring themselves to mention it will beome one of those topics like “don’t mention the war” in Fawlty Towers.

  5. Mary Melville says:

    Another home goal.
    Before the arrests there was no mention of June 4, the date would have probably passed quietly with perhaps a few minor ‘incidents’.
    The arrests have now triggered world wide focus on both its historical significance and the fact that folk are locked up here for years for participating in peaceful rememberances.
    The number who accessed the FB page are miniscule and mostly local, but now, like the Glory saga, it has become essential reading internationally.
    All those resources expended on promoting ‘Good Stories” and insistence that nothing has changed here and freedoms are intact blown out of the water.

  6. Wolflikeme says:

    Cheung Sha -> Cheung Shat.

  7. Bincitement of hatred says:

    What a farce!

    If, as PK Tang states, the “main crime” is “having incited hatred against the Central Government, our Hong Kong Government and the Judiciary” then the whole of the current government should arrested and tried under the National Security law.

    No one has done more to incite people’s hatred than them. Their latest flagship policy was characterised by themselves as a “public disturbance”, and that was just a waste reduction scheme*, FFS.

    *A waste reduction scheme that managed to create tonnes of extra plastic waste along with the public disturbance.

  8. Red Dragon says:

    Young Winston

    I don’t think that the scheme in question is designed to attract overseas visitors, most of whom (and these days there are not very many) would no doubt find its various exciting and innovative elements rather tacky and predictable.

    No, and call me snobbish if you will, these proposed “attractions” bear all the hallmarks of the sort of stuff that your average dim Hong Kong civil servant thinks will tickle pink the low budget tour group brigade from up North.

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