This week’s barrings

HK University law faculty and the China Club suddenly cancel scheduled lectures by UK lawyer Timothy Owen. The faculty had been ‘under pressure’ and now cites ‘unforeseen circumstances’ for the decision. The government barred Owen last year from representing Jimmy Lai, on NatSec grounds.  

And the Democratic Party is barred from having a stall at the annual flower market at Victoria Park, after a member won a draw for a prime spot at the fair.

In both cases, no-one has any reasons. Like the inability of even ‘moderate patriots’ to get on District Council ballots, these things just happen.

Meanwhile, Financial Secretary Paul Chan (standing in for the CE, who has kind of been barred too) is ‘telling true stories’ about Hong Kong and ‘expanding the city’s circle of friends’ at the APEC bore-fest in San Francisco. 

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9 Responses to This week’s barrings

  1. Judge Bao says:

    And meanwhile, 6,000 people rounded up in the protests are effectively under arrest, with no charges brought against them but unable to leave the city while the authorities get around to working out what they’re accused (=guilty) of.

  2. Chinese Netizen says:

    SO many good stories. I’m giddy.

  3. Mark Bradley says:

    Telling the goodest stories evar!!!111oneone

    Have these fucking muppets not figured out yet that empty meaningless slogans like “tell good stories” doesn’t solve the very real problems the natsec and covid regimes created?

    This only barely works in China due to strict controls of information and due to a people who were raised cradle to grave in a proper dictatorship.

    It doesn’t work when foreign news plus HKFP are easily accessible and our eyes and ears can plainly see they swapped real 1C2S with a counterfeit version where none of our right work right if we aren’t the right sort of person to the regime.

  4. Mark Bradley says:

    And of course I know the answer already: the muppets must be aware of how out of step this looks but can do nothing about it and the CCP who holds the true power doesn’t care it looks bad (or maybe they do hence all of the whiny mouth frothing press releases??)

    Christ what a bunch of short sighted cunts. The CCP would have been so much better off leaving HK alone and doing whatever unseemly things they do in mainland. But I suppose autocratic Empires are always terrified of the periphery right? Don’t grip so fucking tight in the first place, allow freeish association instead and the periphery would be fine cunts.

  5. Chinese Netizen says:

    “…plainly see they swapped real 1C2S with a counterfeit version…”

    Isn’t that kind of what China and the CCP is ALL about?

  6. Mark Bradley says:

    @Chinese Netizen

    “Isn’t that kind of what China and the CCP is ALL about?”

    Yes and indeed you can extend it this statement to ALL Leninist states as they all love these fake predetermined elections. But the real 1C2S lasted relatively, longer than most anticipated. Especially when you compare it to something like Imperialist Russia era Congress Poland that had its 1C2S style autonomy liquidated much faster.

  7. Mark Bradley says:

    @Chinese Netizen

    “Isn’t that kind of what China and the CCP is ALL about?”

    Yes and indeed you can extend this statement to ALL Leninist states as they all love these fake predetermined elections. But the real 1C2S lasted relatively, longer than most anticipated. Especially when you compare it to something like Imperialist Russia era Congress Poland that had its 1C2S style autonomy liquidated much faster.

  8. justsayin says:

    Good Stories With Chinese Characteristics – could be a nice title for a nonfiction book about fiction

  9. Mary Melville says:

    No wonder the world is in turmoil. Note the APEC Leaders foto op of 20+ males with only a single lady in the line up. With the smarter and more industrious half of the population excluded from decision making, the focus is pro aggression, one-upmanship, squander resources instead of seeking co-operation to identify practical, implementable and and cost effective solutions to the many issues the region is facing.

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