Then they came for Eunice…

The son, daughter and daughter-in-law of wanted-overseas Elmer Yuen are ‘taken in’ for questioning. Daughter-in-law Eunice Yung is a member of the pro-Beijing New People’s Party, and assures everyone that she supports the police in their efforts to track down the overseas wanted eight. More here

Yung said a dozen national security officers showed up at her home with a search warrant at 7am when her family was still asleep.

Yung said she was taken to Western police station for a video interview that lasted nearly three hours, adding she did her best to answer questions.

“I actively told officers about the information I know. As for things I don’t know, including Elmer Yuen’s whereabouts, residential address and phone number, I told them honestly that I don’t know,” she said.

“I believe I’m innocent and I think this incident has not affected my relationship with Derek Yuen at the moment. I believe he will also cooperate with police.”

She added that her two laptops and mobile phone were taken by police and then returned after the questioning. Officers also went through documents.

She said police handled the case fairly and briefed them about their rights, adding she supports the operation.

(A timeline of OW8 – need a name for them – associates and family members taken in by police.)

The head of Eunice’s NPP, Regina Ip, is one of the few pro-establishment figures to support gay rights. The local authorities generally do not, and are now taking LGBT show We Are Family off RTHK after a 17-year run – just as China is further clamping down on gay activism. The NPP, which tries to be the moderate and trendy/cosmopolitan face of the blue camp, is having a slightly awkward time.

The Washington Post reports on the government’s application for an injunction against the playing or distribution of Glory to Hong Kong

If the judge grants the Hong Kong government’s request, it will mean [Apple, Google, Meta, etc] will be operating in a legal environment that looks increasingly like China’s, rather than the comparatively freewheeling Hong Kong of decades past.

The article mentions a lawyer’s comment in court that a ban will only attract attention to the song. If – as I can’t help suspecting – the tech companies block the piece from appearing online in Hong Kong, the ban will also increase awareness of ways to circumvent the looming local great firewall, as people use VPNs and other techniques just to see if they can access the forbidden links.

From Reuters

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) on July 20 met with local lawyers and asked them to refrain from including negative descriptions of China’s policies or its business and legal environment in companies’ listing prospectuses [sources] said.

…Chinese companies planning overseas share offerings would typically list changes in China’s changing economic, political and social conditions as well as changes in government policies and regulations and trade tensions with the United States among business risks, their public disclosures showed.

…The latest guidance could force Chinese companies to delay or even put on hold their share offerings in the United States, since regulators there require full risk disclosure, two of the people said.

Will Hong Kong step up and offer a more ‘no negative descriptions’-friendly listing environment?

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4 Responses to Then they came for Eunice…

  1. Nury Vibbrachi says:

    Spike Milligan wrote a book called ADOLF HITLER: MY PART IN HIS DOWNFALL.

    Perhaps the rabid liberal AI dog whistle autoscripted columnists at Reuters and the Washington Post could write a sequel: HONG KONG DEMOCRATS: MY PART IN THEIR DOWNFALL.

    By talking up hate for China, the press freedom bandwagon, the eternal fight for democracy, keeping the lights on in Asia and all the the other neo-liberal formulaic bullshit they splurge in their columns like ketchup on a hotdog, they have assured the fate of the GK47 group at the hands of HK74, Communist China 1949-2023.

    Hurrah! A new hardback book to read. Not.

  2. Vergil Berger says:

    Re your anthem item, the Chinese national anthem was itself subjected to an unofficial but highly effective ban in Beijing in the 1966-7 early phase of the Cultural Revolution. Mao’s youthful Red Guards proclaimed it to be evilly revisionist and unduly influenced by the then top enemy, the Soviet Union. During those chaotic years no one came to its defence and it was replaced by the two favoured Maoist songs of the day, broadcast day and night outside my house and those of the tiny band of then resident westerners. The ban was later imposed across the nation, but the anthem was gradually and discreetly reinstated a few years later.

  3. Nury Vibbrachi says:

    By the way…GK is the new HK…Gone Kong. Geddit???!!!!

  4. Learn English with Regina says:

    Adams, shut up!

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