HK declares ‘Dynamic-zero Benedict Rogers’ policy

Hong Kong threatens activist Benedict Rogers – a UK citizen living in the UK – with NatSec ‘collusion with foreign forces’ charges for involvement with the Hong Kong Watch website. The HK Police demand that the website be shut down. They also warn him not to talk about the whole thing (is that audacity, guilelessness or what?). Full post here – VPN probably needed. Curious logic: can foreigners ‘collude’ with themselves?

With whole cities in the Mainland undergoing lockdowns and mass-testing, you’d have thought Beijing could ease off on the obsessive ‘assistance’ for Hong Kong. Yet they are sending several hundred doctors and nurses. It would be churlish not to hope that they might be useful, but there are doubts as to whether the Mainlanders can, for example, input medical information into local hospitals’ English-language computer systems. And of course Lianhua Qingwen – mind your liver.

A must-read: the experience around a year ago of an American who tested positive for Covid after arriving in Shanghai. Grim details! This is the first of a series – maybe bookmark and save them for when you’re put in the Lok Ma Chau camp.

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14 Responses to HK declares ‘Dynamic-zero Benedict Rogers’ policy

  1. Ali Hong Kong says:

    Good for circumventing paywalls and great Hong Kong Firewalls

  2. Knownot says:

    “the highest death rate in the developed world”

    There always has been pride,
    Bitter and perverse.
    Hong Kong has always been
    Better than, or worse,
    Than any other place.
    Either last,
    Or winner of the race.

    The worst disaster ever
    At a sport event:
    Inferno in the Valley,
    In a matting tent.
    The greatest bull run ever:
    So the Index went
    Higher still and higher,
    A thousand plus per cent.

    And so we mark bereavement
    With ironic pride.
    Another fine achievement:
    Three thousand people died.

    – – – – –

    ( At a race meeting at Happy Valley in February 1918, a “matshed” caught fire, and 614 people were killed.
    From 1967 to 1973, the Hang Seng Index rose from about 60 to over 1600. )

  3. Chinese Netizen says:

    I believe foreigners colluding with themselves is called “fapping”.

  4. Penny says:

    Opera web browser has a built-in VPN that circumvents the HK NSL Firewall.
    The Security Bureau letter to Benedict Rogers would be laughable were it not so sinister. They make themselves look so stupid by such pathetic attempts to silence critical voices from outside of CCP-controlled territory.

  5. reductio says:


    Please don’t disrespect TCM. Lead, arsenic, and mercury are all well-known pick-me-ups. If it was good enough for the First emperor of China then that’s all I need to know. (Take that Western “science”!)

  6. Good for the goose says:

    UK seems OK with extraditing Julian Assange so why not Benedict Rogers?

  7. Sei Dao says:

    “Hong Kong police warship …”

  8. HKJC Irregular says:

    @Good for the Goose
    Ooohh, salty! Smells to me like Tankie/CCP false equivalence. Yeah, why not get Teresa Cheng onto it? If you were trying to highlight the moral dilemma, don’t waste your time: the CCP despises the Assanges of this world as much as Langley does.
    But hey, whattaboutism – always handy for some.

  9. Mark Bradley says:

    “UK seems OK with extraditing Julian Assange so why not Benedict Rogers?”

    For starters no extradition treaty anymore between HK and UK.

    I agree that the extradition of Assange is pretty dodgy and shouldn’t happen, but extraditing Benedict Rogers over words that the CCP doesn’t like that doesn’t involve any classified documents is even more egregious than what the US is doing with Assange.

  10. Herr Torquewrench says:

    “By the time he left the country in early February of 2021, he had decided to move permanently away from China. He and his family now live in Cleveland.”

    You ever been to Cleveland?

  11. Din Dan Che says:

    @Herr Torquewrench
    The Mistake on the Lake has to be better than the hellholes Gestapo-CCP put you in whenever they feel like it.

  12. Stanley Lieber says:

    @Din Dan Che

    Randy Newman memorialised in song the time the Cuyahoga River caught fire because it was so polluted.

    “Burn On”

    Cleveland, city of light, city of magic
    Cleveland, city of light, you’re calling me
    Cleveland, even now I can remember
    ‘Cause the Cuyahoga River
    Goes smokin’ through my dreams.

    Burn on, big river, burn on
    Burn on, big river, burn on
    Now the Lord can make you tumble
    And the Lord can make you turn
    And the Lord can make you overflow
    But the Lord can’t make you burn.

  13. Red Dragon says:

    Is it me or are the comments in here becoming increasingly surreal?

  14. Sam Clemens says:

    @Red Dragon

    It is not you.

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