Artwork of the Week is – for a change – some pro-China propaganda from Weibo (see large version). The G7 meeting (with Australia and India as special guests) rendered as the Last Supper, attendees being animals representing nations. Rather than eternal life, the theme of the party is eternal global hegemony.
The details are fascinating: oxygen tanks in background; a yet-to-be-carved cake with a map of Greater China on it; Japan (the fox) serving radioactive drinks; Germany (wolf) wisely preferring a free-trade agreement; toilet paper being turned into dollars; a frog climbing a turtle onto the table, clutching Yuan (representing superior Chinese long-term economic prowess?); and an oh-so subtle begging bowl for India (the elephant). Shades of Hieronymous Bosch. The hard work of an ultra-nationalist, not your average Global Times cartoon.
Update: more symbolism I missed:
India on IV drip with cow poo and Ganges water (seriously offensive), and Australia on IV drip with China money and reaching for US dollar – trying to have both worlds.
Not subtle, but quite impressive in its own way.
More levity, from the Queen’s Birthday Honours. We in Hong Kong haven’t heard much about them since 1997, but apparently it’s still a thing here. Seems there were three local recipients of the Grand Order of the Imperial Bathtub this year: HKU epidemiologist and voice of Covid-19 sanity Ben Cowling; a Cathay Pacific staffer who helped repatriate Brits; and a consular official. Also, Clifford Stott (policing expert whose advice was not welcome here). And – quite right too – Lulu.
Great Propaganda “Art Work”.
The Wolf seems to represent Italy, not Germany. The Eagle on the left represents Germany.
God shave the Queen!
Also, Canada holds that woman from Huawei (I guess).
So much to see.
Hieronymous Bosch had a wicked sense of humor. So there goes your shade.
Saint Agnes of Ting was released from solitary at a max security prison. After 6 months of prison hell she looked like Gretel, with shades of a North Korean orphan.
Let’s remember this for the future when the pro-China pigs in HK come running to stick their snouts in the Government trog. So that we can settle some scores.
And England and Scotland separate…..
Why do the US and Australia animals have human feet, unlike the others? Subtle symbolism or laziness?
Any idea what the painting is under the kangaroo?
And what are the blobs in front of bothGB and Italy?
I wonder if the cake has a file baked into it?