Another case of rule-by-lawfare

Former pro-dem lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting is arrested by the ICAC – where he once worked as an anti-graft investigator. His crime seems to be seeking the truth about the Yuen Long gangster attack and subsequent cover-up. The CCP is desperate.

From HK Free Press, an interview with Queen Cynthia, a dominatrix. When the police busted the Fetish Fashion store a few years ago, the proprietress hinted that many clients were high-flying professionals (allegedly including, though not limited to, members of the judiciary). Apparently, such people give orders all day long, and being tied up, put in cages, subjected to pain and being forced to kiss someone’s toes offers great relief. But who needs to pay Queen Cynthia thousands an hour when we have Empress Carrie and the NatSec Regime doing it for free?

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9 Responses to Another case of rule-by-lawfare

  1. Casira says:

    Nothing about that colonial reservoir being destroyed while we pay fortunes to import wastewater from Dongguan?

  2. Din Dan Che says:

    @Casira – Please stop trying to divert attention from the marvellous Queen Cynthia

  3. Mary Melville says:

    No media finger-pointing re the police ignoring traffic regulations re parking on and obstructing pavements and forcing pedestrians onto the road on Kadoorie Ave.
    And why no progress with the ICAC investigation into Yuen Long other than a ‘shoot the messenger’ diversion.

  4. Hong Kong Hibernian says:

    Thank Gawd, Lam Cheuk-ting was released on bail of $2000. I thought for sure that he was arrested and charged under the NIL for ‘Picking Quarrels and Provoking Trouble’.

    @Casira: Yes, that underground reservoir in Sham Shui Po is a gem! We can all see opportunities for the tourism sector here; I’ll take a guided tour!

  5. Horst says:

    Queen Cynthia’s tweet from that article is pure gold – on so many levels:

    “I heard the government just gave 10k to each of you loser, it’s time to tribute it to your queen, since you have no purpose at all in this life except serving me.”

    @Chinese Netizen: Those kind of articles are still being published by some dudes in the US who still don’t take it serious what happens. Just my two cents.

  6. Joe Blow says:

    The reservoir in Shampoo Poo could be used as:

    1. Trendy wine bar.
    2. Hot pot restaurant-cum-trendy wine bar.
    3. Queen Cynthia’s SM Dungeon-cum-hot pot wine bar.

  7. Gagging Order Enthusiast No. 5 says:

    Tempting, but I’m afraid it’s a hard pass for me, Cynthia. Regina is, after all, the one and only queen that shall ever reign in my heart.

  8. Ho Ma Fan says:

    @Joe Blow, I think that number 3, Cynthia’s SM cum dungeon the best, and most likely use.

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