Anthony Wu, former Hospitals Authority head and fully paid-up member of the Hong Kong Tycoon-Bureaucrat Mutual Lovey-Dovey Shoe-shine Pig Trough Appreciation Society, joins the calls to admit overseas-qualified doctors to relieve pressure on the healthcare system. The Standard’s editorial says not doing it is insane.
Chief Executive Carrie Lam dismisses the idea on the grounds that there is ‘no consensus’ – not in the community as a whole, but merely among the city’s few thousand medics.
What is exasperating about this (and this is perhaps why even some establishment voices are at odds with top officials) is that Carrie would see a real boost in her popularity if she declared that she would put the public interest first and went ahead and hired overseas-trained doctors – and to hell with the HK Medical Association. After the old-age welfare-cut fiasco, this is a woman who could seriously use better poll ratings.
All you have to do is: shut up, stop automatically screeching at critics that they are wrong, listen to what insightful (as in know-how-to-buy-toilet paper) people outside the government say (try a few focus groups), and then… Do What They Tell You. Blam – instant improved governance, with a happy population heaping praise upon you.
Sadly, Beijing’s requirement of ‘executive-led government’ means in practice ‘deliberately non-responsive anti-people policymaking’. It’s not just that you can’t have democracy, but you have to actively prove that you don’t have it through provocative and destructive decisions. It seems an angry populace is necessary to reassure the CCP that its puppet administration is in full control and not degenerating into some scary regime-toppling Western-style representativeness-thing.
More advice to our dim-witted administration – on fiscal matters – here.
It’s beginning to dawn on her that she’s messing up. I feel she needs to pray more and change her God because the current one is sending her in the wrong direction. We’d welcome her in the Jedi Church.
@Luke: And you’d thought jedis would have learnt something after welcoming Palpatine
For fully forty-five years, the HK Medical Association has been famous for its closed shop policies and its obsession with money and with Heraldry.
Up next: A super patriotic appeal for mainland MDs to sacrifice for the motherland by moving to HK (remember the heavily propagandized country doctors) at a higher pay than the mainland but lower than HKer docs. With subsidized housing as sweetener incentive, of course.
@Netizen: Those compulsive forced abortions aren’t gonna help with HK’s birth rate
Everything you really need to know about the HKSAR Government’s core thinking beautifully illustrated in one sentence on salaries tax:
“Currently there are bands of 2%, 6%, 10% and 14% on $50k each of chargeable income, with 17% on the excess, but bizarrely, subject to an overall cap of 15% on net total income (before allowances), so above some point, the marginal tax rate drops from 17% to 15%.”
@Casira: Who needs birthrates when trainloads of them are coming in daily (and subsequently breeding in the SAR) under the quality migrant scheme?