Asia’s compulsive fans of disaster porn have been getting their just deserts as severed telecommunications cables off the coast of Japan hinder the prurient downloading of videos of black waters sweeping villages away. There is always print media. Interesting how many more or less fetching young women are seen amid the devastated remains of one of the world’s most rapidly aging societies. Maybe Damien Day’s teddy bear will crop up.
With thousands dead and nuclear power plants possibly on the brink of doing whatever it is they might do, the authorities in Tokyo probably don’t have time to consider some of the relatively minor reverberations that lie ahead. The earthquake that hit Christchurch last month has produced one in the form of a request from the Chinese embassy in New Zealand that families of victims from the Middle Kingdom – mostly students – should get extra compensation because the dead were their only children. (As a result, of course, of the Mainland’s own one-child policy.)
[PRC diplomat] Mr Lei said there was a very notable difference between Chinese families and other foreign families, which needed to be taken into consideration when providing compensation to families who lost their only child.
“You can expect how lonely, how desperate they are… not only from losing loved ones, but losing almost entirely the major source of economic assistance after retirement,” he told Radio New Zealand.
He added that this could affect how many Chinese study in New Zealand in future. To which temperate, thinking Kiwis – lesser folk would string Mr Lei up – offer such responses as this:
…for [China’s] government to expect New Zealand taxpayers to cover the financial loss stemming directly from its morally-questionable one-child policy is outrageous…
…If the Chinese believe the New Zealand Government should place more importance on a life based on its potential for economic gain, they have an alarming lack of understanding of this country’s values.
One reading of Mr Lei’s breathtaking demand is that it is part of a Sinic exeptionalist mentality that, to take an extreme (and officially abandoned) example, has the Chinese people descended from Homo erectus (‘Peking Man’) and thus forming a species of hominid distinct from the rest of us. Another is that this is the new assertive superpower-PRC at work, throwing its weight around and bullying the neighbours over all manner of territorial, commercial and political issues (like ordering the Melbourne Film Festival to drop a movie about Xinjiang).
Another explanation, however, is that the insistence that a Chinese life is worth more than a mere barbarian’s is aimed primarily at a domestic audience back home. To many overseas observers, Beijing’s recent air and sea operation to extract Chinese workers fleeing Libya was a sign of the emergence of a global superpower, etc, etc. But from the Chinese leadership’s point of view, it is all about legitimizing a nervous and paranoid regime fearful of its inability to tackle corruption and inequality. “Look at us standing up for helpless citizens abroad,” they are saying, “and imagine how bad it would be without the Party in charge.”
The government in Hong Kong plays this game on its own little scale. As well as inconsistently issuing black travel warnings, it dispatches Immigration Department officials to mollycoddle residents of the Big Lychee when trouble strikes in foreign lands – and makes sure we all get to know about their noble efforts in glowing terms. Hongkongers’ often-immodest expectations of instant convenience and comfort have obviously spurred demand for such a taxpayer-provided service, but it is a demand the local administration has rushed to meet, perhaps inspired by Beijing’s example.
Like saber-rattling over disputed Japanese islands, effusive concern for compatriots overseas is a relatively cheap, high-profile way to prove the regime’s credentials at home as defenders of kith and kin. If it worries or angers foreigners who take it at face value, that’s a pity, but what can you do when you when you’re in a tight spot?
(The Philippines have joined in the call for extra compensation from New Zealand, though it seems they are struggling to produce a convincing reason for special treatment. How about the poverty arising from the Catholic nation’s ‘14-child policy’?)
Lady Crispin, of Asian descent herself, often makes this claim as we have yet to produce a little emperor ourselves, “Who will take care of us?” she asks. Who is taking care of my parents? I live here, my brother in L.A. Not having kids is a great way to save money to look after ourselves.
As to Japan, our thoughts go out to all who are suffering and we should all take a moment to think of our own loved ones and tell them we appreciate them and that they’re still in our lives.
My eyes bulged looking at a news report on Sunday where a HK resident about to board a tour to Japan was asked as to whether or not he would be reconsidering the trip. He replied “no, because if there is trouble, I will expect the HK Government to evacuate us”. Says it all.
The events in Japan have also brought out the worst in some, particularly those who see the culling of sea-mammals as the basis for some schadenfreude. Some in China have been no better it would seem:
I pity the poor HK’ers in Japan who have to fend for themselves, one called the Immigration hotline to demand info on flights and was miffed when told to call the airline directly. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all….
China’s one-child policy has one potential benefit. They might be less inclined to have get involved in a war if the thought of 1000s of young males being sent back in bodybags is too much of a hot potato.
I’m surprised it took until today for me to receive my first “BBC alert” e-mail from a kind-hearted friend, warning me to avoid the radioactive rain apparently plaguing HK.
No sign of this alert on the BBC’s website and HK Observatory tells me our air is not coming from anywhere near Japan:
Nonetheless, let’s panic.
I cannot help but admire how Japan and its people are dealing with this disaster. It is sad to see some of the anti-Japanese comments that were posted by Chinese on websites like “Chinasmack”. Unfortunately in its lust to stay in power the CCP with have no issues with again ramping up anti-Japanese feeling to provide a smokescreen for its own failings over corruption, inflation, censorship. Hope the Chinese people see through it next time. Certainly a time for reflection, compassion but not nationalism.
“Four legs good, two legs bad!”
The requests by the China and Philippine governmental officials are utter nonsense. The Kiwis should respond by declaring 22 February (the day of the tremor) “Gob on an East Asian day”.
Maugrim, do you dribble a lot ?
Lotta anti-China hot-air hereabouts, as always…BUT today, the hot-air seems RADIOACTIVE: my personal Geiger counter says so! Guess I should use it more often.