I quite like the almost surly look on the valentines-less girl on the left. The hint of her possibly suffering from the popular HK syndrome “Kung Juh Behng” may explain where the whining may stem from.
Did you catch this one by Sustainable Living Hong Kong?
It seems to be echoing the same mixed/negative feelings about the tourism in Hong Kong that you’ve so often decried. I thought you might like to know you are alone.
Did you catch this one by Sustainable Living Hong Kong?
It seems to be echoing the same mixed/negative feelings about the tourism in Hong Kong that you’ve so often decried. I thought you might like to know you are not alone.
I quite like the almost surly look on the valentines-less girl on the left. The hint of her possibly suffering from the popular HK syndrome “Kung Juh Behng” may explain where the whining may stem from.
Come back home honey. I’s gettin lonesome.
Theys still usin my photos for lurin guys online.
I was wondering how long it would be before the Old Dickhead started rockin’ off again. Cleary, not very.
Did you catch this one by Sustainable Living Hong Kong?
It seems to be echoing the same mixed/negative feelings about the tourism in Hong Kong that you’ve so often decried. I thought you might like to know you are alone.
Did you catch this one by Sustainable Living Hong Kong?
It seems to be echoing the same mixed/negative feelings about the tourism in Hong Kong that you’ve so often decried. I thought you might like to know you are not alone.
Nose Ball Roller? Tell me more!