Thank God that’s Hemlock gone…

The bad news is that I made a promise – to do a blog.  The following email from Hemlock explains:

D – remember I told you that with Geocities being shut down, Odell, Winky, the Big Boss and I were all going to be evicted – abandoned on some waste ground on the edge of town like a sack of unwanted kittens?  Well, they’ve gone and done it, a month before they said they would.  And of course it’s all my fault because (wait for it) they hadn’t been billing me!  To quote them…


And now I can’t get in to my own site.  You promised that if the worst came to the worst you would start up a blog of your own and – a) store the entire Hemlock’s Diary archives on the site for posterity, b) do a blog on HK (to which I might contribute occasionally), and c) store the entire Hemlock’s Diary archives on the site for posterity.  So – over to you.

Thus another Hong Kong blog.  I can’t match Hem, so it will be serious, dry, dull, mature and inoffensive, consisting mainly of comment on the city’s political, business and social affairs.  Maybe some self-indulgent reminiscences.  Occasional attacks of discursiveness, perhaps.

In all fairness, he paid the setup costs.

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8 Responses to Thank God that’s Hemlock gone…

  1. hkbigman says:

    Bring back Hemlock, this is all very dull.

  2. Jeff Bell says:

    I, in fact, am Jeff Bell.

    Jeff Bell

  3. SKreader says:

    What happaned to this site? When I visited a few days ago there was a blog roll and some of Hemlock’s old stuff. Now it is strangely reduced.

    Also, why can’t I comment on the other bits?

    On this posting:

    It says “comments are closed”

    If you are implying that the ice that used to be stored in Ice House Street came from Alaska, I am not sure if that was the case.

    The earliest ice shipments to Hong Kong (in the 1840s) came were from Fresh Pond in Cambridge Massachusetts.

    see: Weightman, Gavin. The frozen-water trade : a true story (New York : Hyperion, c2003.).

  4. Da Docta says:

    I loved Geocities. With Lycos, News Groups and Netscape it forms an indelible part of Internet history.

    Please leave the comments option open for all articles. It could turn into a new IceRed…oh there I go again.

    Nostalgia will never be the same after this.


  5. Da Docta says:

    A man very similar in appearance to Lu Ping – perhaps it is indeed he – joins me at Stanley Main Beach every day for a swim. Strangely, he always tends to swim close to the shore and often goes round and round in circles. Perhaps he has been in Hong Kong too long.

    D. Docta

  6. Jon says:

    I think Hemlock should open a page on Tripod.

  7. Fai Mao says:

    Growl. I stopped being able to access Hemlock from my computer at work. Hadn’t read him for a while and look what happens

  8. Faraz says:


Comments are closed.