The bad news is that I made a promise – to do a blog. The following email from Hemlock explains:
D – remember I told you that with Geocities being shut down, Odell, Winky, the Big Boss and I were all going to be evicted – abandoned on some waste ground on the edge of town like a sack of unwanted kittens? Well, they’ve gone and done it, a month before they said they would. And of course it’s all my fault because (wait for it) they hadn’t been billing me! To quote them…
And now I can’t get in to my own site. You promised that if the worst came to the worst you would start up a blog of your own and – a) store the entire Hemlock’s Diary archives on the site for posterity, b) do a blog on HK (to which I might contribute occasionally), and c) store the entire Hemlock’s Diary archives on the site for posterity. So – over to you.
Thus another Hong Kong blog. I can’t match Hem, so it will be serious, dry, dull, mature and inoffensive, consisting mainly of comment on the city’s political, business and social affairs. Maybe some self-indulgent reminiscences. Occasional attacks of discursiveness, perhaps.
In all fairness, he paid the setup costs.
Bring back Hemlock, this is all very dull.
I, in fact, am Jeff Bell.
Jeff Bell
What happaned to this site? When I visited a few days ago there was a blog roll and some of Hemlock’s old stuff. Now it is strangely reduced.
Also, why can’t I comment on the other bits?
On this posting:
It says “comments are closed”
If you are implying that the ice that used to be stored in Ice House Street came from Alaska, I am not sure if that was the case.
The earliest ice shipments to Hong Kong (in the 1840s) came were from Fresh Pond in Cambridge Massachusetts.
see: Weightman, Gavin. The frozen-water trade : a true story (New York : Hyperion, c2003.).
I loved Geocities. With Lycos, News Groups and Netscape it forms an indelible part of Internet history.
Please leave the comments option open for all articles. It could turn into a new IceRed…oh there I go again.
Nostalgia will never be the same after this.
A man very similar in appearance to Lu Ping – perhaps it is indeed he – joins me at Stanley Main Beach every day for a swim. Strangely, he always tends to swim close to the shore and often goes round and round in circles. Perhaps he has been in Hong Kong too long.
D. Docta
I think Hemlock should open a page on Tripod.
Growl. I stopped being able to access Hemlock from my computer at work. Hadn’t read him for a while and look what happens