Diary entries - 19
Not the South China Morning Post

Yes dear gentle readers I have decided to put away the stollie for one evening and let all you fabulous people out there what has been happening in this once great and vibrant colony.

It’s good to know that my colleagues and myself have made the editor in chief famous at last, I’m sure that you would not have missed his bragging to the fact that his is now ‘one of the 50 most wanted to know people on the web”

Poofter life goes on and on here in this little town.   A few weeks ago, ZIPS held a Red and Gold charity evening to raise much needed money for AIDS concern.   It’s pleasing to note that over $30,000 was raised on the night…. Many thanks to Becky and her staff for an absolutely fabulous evening.   Most people who attended went to the trouble of turning out in the ‘required’ dress code of red & gold, even though some were ghastly.

My own little groupette of 5 normal people went to all means and measures just to be sure that they were not outdone by us fabulous queens and princesses and didn’t we all look fabulous?    I must say that the muscle mary mermaids sitting on the bar blowing bubbles added a very nice little ambience to the bar.   Becky, where on earth did you find such heavenly creatures?     The auction of leather ‘implements’ donated by those good people at Fetish Fashions proved to be one of the highlights of the evening.  All those shy recluse looking boyz scratching each others eyes out and beating each other over the heads with their handbags in an attempt to outbid each other for body harnesses, knee high boots, ankle cuffs etc was a little un becoming of such normally nice people.

Then of course there was the prize for the best ‘costume’.     Well it is obvious that those little singer sewing machines had been worked to the ground to make some of the gowns.   One outfit looked like it consisted of 100,000 plucked duck feathers.   It’s not too many occasions when you can drag up in this city, but the girls certainly made the best of the opportunity at hand.   I heard that the week leading upto the party had doubled their sales of makeup for that week!

As the evening progressed Richard, bless him, kept bringing around ‘jello shots’    Now for the uninitiated let me explain what jello shots are.   Remember when you were a child your mother would make jelly puddings for you ?   Well jello shots are made of the same crystals but a little bit of Vodka is added to the water and then served in little plastic cups.   The trouble with these particular jello-shots was that I think that Richard forgot to put water in the mix, pure Stollie darlings !

One particular guest of mine was complaining about the ‘cheap’ plonk which ZIPS , a particularly horrible ozzie Chardonnay when the 5 jello shots hit him.   Luckily his wife, bless her – a lovely lady, was there and dragged (no not that type queens) him away to home.   However this particular friend wasn’t content in letting a ½ bottle of this revolting plonk remain and was swigging it out of the bottle whilst his dearest  harried him out of the joint !! 

Another dear friend and his lovely wife decided to hang on in there and see what a fabulous time queens can have.    Unfortunately at the age of 64 he should know better than trying to out-dance a group of Mary’s… poor thing his hips almost gave way, again luckily his wife was there to carry him out.  

Well after getting rid of all the normal people a group of us then carried onto the night in that den of inequity, PPG.   Hmmmmmmm    is all that I will say except that one of my friends came back from the toilets with phlegm encrusted knees !!!  I say no more !!!

Before I sign off, I hope that one of the rumours that I heard floating around after the charity event is untrue.    The rumour is that the management of ZIPS has banned all further charity functions from their establishments as they didn’t take enough dosh over the counter that night.   If this is true I know that I definitely will not be going back there to part with my $48 for a $5 bottle of beer….   It’s about time that the pink dollar started speaking in this town.

Keep it up and keep it safe.
