Diary entries - May 97
Not the South China Morning Post


May 30th 1997

Dear Gentle Readers,

Yet another week has past in this great metropolis with THE major event  having taken place last weekend for all those FABULOUS people - yes it was the ZIP bar organised junk cruise sponsored by that dreadful beer from Mexico. You know the one - where the bottle washing is so bad that you have to have a bit of lime to kill those nasty bugs from the bottle just in case you manage to get your tongue down that nice young boy'z throat!

Anyway there were TWO junks that left in the early wee hours on Sunday (yes the ungodly hour of 1p.m - good God, most of us were just trying to get home from the night before !) No rainbow flags were hoisted, my dears, they weren't needed, the normal people out promenading were treated to the latest sounds from ZIPS with crazed boyz dancing their butts off for all to see.

After a long sea haul , all those sweet things on board were well lubed up and ready for action at the anchorage. Dear readers, you won't believe this but there were OTHER boats moored at the same bay. Can you imagine the delight of all those normal people being treated to the show that only 95 poofs can put on, they were all agog -the men were jealous as well as the girls - you know that most girls fancy a bit of the gay side as all the good looking men are 'that way inclined'.

The meal at Cheng Chau ( George - I'm not sure if this is the place that we went to !!!!!!!!!) was absolutely fabulous darlings and let the livers recover for a hour or two before the onslaught of the impending voyage back to the British Crown Colony.
A great day out for all those who enjoy fabulosity.

Danish pastry with Kiwi fruit do mix.
Americans and Brits seem to be striking up new rapport.
Disco Bay is not only for married couples!
At last that gay ripoff place - 'Propaganda' is rumoured to be closing - thank you whoever!
